“Why Don’t You Just Kill Yourself..?” and Other Extreme Reactions to Finding Out Your Brother-Inlaw is a Meth Dealer

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I’ve been rewatching Breaking Bad after just recently finishing it and a sentiment that has stuck with me throughout this rewatch is “why is everyone such a fucking narc??”. Skyler, Hank, Marie, Junior, and I believe if that baby could speak she’d be a narc too. Everyone in this show is so uptight about what? Walter being a meth dealer?

Aside from all the atrocities and gaslighting that Walter does throughout the show, his family only first knows him as a meth dealer. They don’t know about the people he has killed or the life’s he’s ruined, at the very surface he is a man dealing meth to provide for his family and everyone hates him for it. “How could you do this to us.” Oh please shut the fuck up. It’s just drugs and he’s making fucking bank off said drugs. Me, personally, if I found out my father was dealing meth, I would simply just let him do his thing. As long as I’m safe and potentially receiving the sum of this meth money, I don’t give a fuck what he does.

So, I just passed the part of the show where Walter and Skyler are meeting Hank and Marie in a diner to discuss the whole ordeal. Walter’s cancer is back so he believes he’s gonna die before he ever gets convicted, that’s his out. As the conversation becomes more heated between the four of them, Marie suggests to Walter “Why don’t you just kill yourself.” Am I insane to think that’s a crazy thing to say to him? Like it’s a very over-the-top reaction to finding out your brother-inlaw runs a meth empire. How can she not be the slightest bit impressed at least? Like is dealing meth really that big of a betrayal? I’m confused by these reactions from the family.

Yes, he did temporarily cripple Hank, but to all they really know that was just some freak accident due to Walter’s cancer or whatever. Maybe this post shows how good of a protagonist and unreliable narrator Walter is because, I’m not gonna lie, I believe his manipulation tactics work on me. Even though I know what happens, even though I know what’s going on, I can’t help but root for him. I don’t know if that’s what the creators of the show were going for, but it’s what I’m coming out of this with. Walter White has successfully manipulated everyone he knows and “loves” for the greater part of the series along with the viewers as well. I know he’s consistently lying to everyone, but even as a viewer, I believe his lies the same way other characters do. I mean even on my second rewatch, I kinda do believe that in some way he’s doing all of this for his family. It’s only what he says a few hundred times throughout the show. Makes me think that I’m too easily gaslightable. Make me think, I could be Jesse.

Anywho, short post for short thoughts. Maybe, my prefrontal cortex hasn’t developed to the point where I can see through Walter’s facades, maybe I’m still a bit too naive. But overall, I understand the show and some of the characters. Maybe I’ll do some character analyses about this show starting with Skyler and finishing with Walter or Jesse. Even better, I could do relationship analyses which I think would be equally as fun. Only thing is it would be bit time consuming and probably come out really slow to do them properly in the way that I want. And I’d have to rewatch the show from the perspective of different characters. Last thing, before I go…. what’s up with Walter and that ugly, cringe-ass hat. Everytime he puts it on, I can’t take him seriously. He looks like a fucking discord mod whenever he slips that bowl on his bald head, like it’s so cringe.

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